Concerto Solutions for Europe (Enlit Europe, 2022)
Generac Grid Services VP of Industry Solutions, Eric Young, speaks with Guidehouse Insights about the Concerto platform, its applications in Europe and our global product vision.

Optimizing the Distribution Grid
This video provides an overview of the distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) solution that Generac Grid Services' award-winning Concerto platform provides to energy retailers, energy consumers and utilities seeking ways to stabilize the distribution grid by using DERs, all while creating value for device-owners.

Concerto by Generac Grid Services
Keeping the world's power grids in a permanent state of reliable balance has never been more complicated. The Concerto platform underpins Generac Grid Services' virtual power plant and distributed energy resource management system solutions. This video shows Concerto in action as it solves some of the grid's biggest challenges.

Unlocking Energy Market Value
An overview of the value that Generac Grid Services and its award-winning Concerto distributed energy control platform provides.

Advancing Demand Response
Using the company’s real-time, energy-balancing platform, distributed energy resources that might otherwise sit idle can be harnessed to generate value for home and business owners, as well as the power grid.

Riding Out the Perfect Storm Are You Prepared for the Coming DER Decade
This video presents a webinar roundtable filmed in 2022 to discuss the market, regulatory, industry and technology ramifications of the proliferation of distributed energy resources onto our power grids. The presenters discuss how to best prepare for a DER-rich future.

Why Australia is a Hot Spot for Virtual Power Plant Innovation
This video focuses on what's happening with virtual power plants in Australia.

A Birds-Eye View of the Market in Japan
Peter Asmus from Guidehouse Insights and Bud Vos talk about the emerging virtual power plant market in Japan — and the drivers for that emerging market.

A Commercial Pathway For Moving From VPP to DERMS
This video is a conversation between Peter Asmus, an analyst at Guidehouse Insights (formerly Navigant Research) and Enbala CEO Bud Vos.

Virtual Power Plants Go Global
This video begins a new series of talks between Navigant Research's Peter Asmus and Enbala President and CEO Bud Vos.

The Concerto Distributed Energy Connection and Control Platform
Keeping the world's power grids in a permanent state of reliable balance has never been more complicated. The Concerto platform underpins Generac Grid Services' virtual power plant and distributed energy resource management system solutions.

Bud Vos, President
Listen to Bud Vos discuss how the industry will mature and GGS' place in architecting the future.